Project 32:
Arduino Shield: 16x8 LED Matrix Display


                        v1.2 Schematic                            v1.2 Board Layout                                    v1.2 PCB Top                                   v1.2 PCB Bottom                



Videos of Operation



v1.2 Bill of Materials



In this project a 16 x 8 LED matrix display is  mounted on an Arduino UNO R3 shield.



Adafruit libraries and Arduino code are used to exercise the matrix. You can download the zip file from github.

To install the code library: In the Arduino IDE interface under Sketch|Include Library|Add .zip Library|Documents|Arduino|libraries, select Adafruit_LED_Backpack_Library.

Close and reopen the Arduino IDE.

Under File|Examples|Examples from Custom Libraries|Adafruit LED Backpack Library, select matrix16x8.ino


If you decide to use the HT16K33 drivers/examples instead of the Adafruit ones, add as outlined above for ".zip" files.


And here are three sketches of Arduino code I wrote to test the project:

1) HT16K33_LEDs_Test.ino: Test various patterns on the LED matrices

2) HT16K33_Nums.ino: Test numbers 0 through 9 on each LED matrix

3) HT16K33_BME280.ino: Measure and display the temperature Celsius on the two LED matrices





Updated 2024-04-18 @ 8am