Project 33b:
Ada 3315 Triple Expansion Board


     v1.1 Schematic                                          v1.1 Board Layout                                                  v1.1 PCB Top                                 Video of Operation



v1.1 Bill of Materials



This is a triple expansion board for the Adafruit 3315 2.4" TFT-TS Display (V2).

The 2.4" TFT display is on top of the PCB and a Feather microcontroller like the ESP32-S3 is placed opposite of it on the bottom.

Two Featherwing slots surround the microcontroller slot: perhaps Ultimate GPS and Joy Featherwing or any of the other many Featherwings could be used.




TFT-TouchScreen is placed on the top of the board using long stacking headers through the PCB to the Feather microcontroller on the other side.

A microcontroller and two expansion boards (Featherwings) are attached to the bottom of the PCB.

Slide dipswitches are placed between the left and right Feather-sized 12-pin and 16-pin connectors; enable only the lines from the central Feather microcontroller/Featherwing TFT-TS connector to the Left or Right expansion connectors.

Each of the expansion connectors as well as the microcontroller connector contain 2 rows of pins in case you wish to jumper your own routes.



This is a loose mock-up using PCB v1.0;  v1.1 has been sent out for production. Click to expand:







Updated 2024-03-29 @ 8am