ItsyBitsy M4 Express Project 25:



(click to enlarge)



Accelerometer v1.1 Schematic


Accelerometer v1.1 Board Layout


 Accelerometer v1.1 PCB (Top)


 Accelerometer v1.1 PCB (Bottom)


Accelerometer v1.1 Bill of Materials


Short Video of Operation

(Click to enlarge)



Project 25 continues on from Project 23 using these devices:

 - Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 Express #3800 (a.k.a. IB-M4E) (more I/O pins than QT PY)

 - Adafruit #4311 2.0" TFT display

 - Adafruit #2652 BME280 T/H/BP sensor

 - Adafruit #2124 LiPoly charger

 - Joystick JS5208 and Adafruit #4697 rubber nub cap

 - Adafruit #4667 PIR BL412


This sensor board was added:

Project 25: Adafruit #2809 LIS3DH Accelerometer


Testing Your Accelerometer:

Make sure you install the appropriate libraries before testing the code below. You'll need to click on this #2809 link for instructions.

When you initially receive your your Accelerometer, test it with acceldemo_IBM4E.ino


Setting Up Your System:

 - Download and follow this .pdf file to setup the ItsyBitsy M4 Express microcontroller for Arduino: https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/introducing-adafruit-itsybitsy-m4.pdf. Follow the directions regarding the .uf2 file because it is needed for either Arduino or CircuitPython programming. Search Adafruit.com for info on "flash_nuke.uf2" to cleanup your board if double-pressing the Reset button won't fix it. Check here first: https://learn.adafruit.com/getting-started-with-raspberry-pi-pico-circuitpython/circuitpython

 - Download and follow this .pdf file to setup the 2.0" 320x240 TFT display for Arduino: https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/2-0-inch-320-x-240-color-ips-tft-display.pdf

 - Download and follow this .pdf file to setup the BME280 or BMP280 sensor: https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/adafruit-bme280-humidity-barometric-pressure-temperature-sensor-breakout.pdf. Adafruit's new driver requirements seem to ward off the Chinese clones of their sensors, that is, a clone that once worked no longer does. The Adafruit board is $15us so I'll continue to use their product.



Here's some code, T_BP_Accel_3.ino, that is a work in progress as I add more of the PCB devices to the board.

The temp/BP sensor, RTC and Accelerometer are started up (which includes a quick test of each).

Text is displayed on a non-black background with a different colour for each reporting line; e.g. date & time are black text on a white background.

If the device is moved, a warning flashes briefly on the bottom line indicating direction.


Remaining Tasks:

Add more devices to the PCB and write the corresponding software, e.g., joystick





Updated 2023-04-25 @ 2pm