NEXT: Switches 01b


In this section we are going to:

- Examine Timers and Interrupts docs



Timers Preparatory Work:

- Read Chapter 10 Timers of PS0294.pdf (Z8 Encore! XP F6482 Series Product Spec), starting on page 149 or read Using the eZ8 Timer application note AN029102.pdf

- Keep handy the BSP API Reference manual RM0064.pdf to see how the API affects certain registers like CLKCTRLx


Timer Background Info:

- The Timer Control Register TxCTL0 selects the timer operating mode (we'll use Continuous), prescale value, timer interrupt configuration, etc.

- T0H & T0L (timer 0 high and low)  contain the current 16-bit timer count value

- Minimum time-out delay: set timer Reload High and Low Byte registers with 0x0001, and prescale value to 1

- Maximum time-out delay: set both registers with 0x0000, and prescale value to 128. If the Timer reaches 0xFFFF, the Timer rolls over to 0x0000 and continues counting


Initialize the Timer:

- Disable interrupts before configuring the timers: DI()

- Initialize the system clock: SYSCLOCK_Init()

- Set timer to Continuous mode

- Set the Prescaler value

- Set the Timer 0 High and Low byte registers

- Set the Reload Timer 0 High and Low byte registers

- Set timer interrupt level

- Enable timer output pin

- Enable the timer

Timer Registers:


      T0H & T0L           T0RH & T0RL        TxCTL0 Control         TxCTL1 Control     TxCTL1 Control           TxCTL2                  TxSTAT

      Registers               Registers         Registers Parts 1&2     Registers Part 1    Registers Part 2         Registers              Registers



Interrupts Preparatory Work:

Read Chapter 9 Interrupt Controller of PS0294.pdf (Z8 Encore! XP F6482 Series Product Spec).

Read AN0141_(Nesting Interrupts with Z8 Encore! MCUs).pdf.


Interrupts Background Info:

The Interrupt Control registers enable individual interrupts, set interrupt priorities, and indicate interrupt requests.

If interrupts are globally enabled (vectored interrupts), the interrupt controller passes an interrupt request to the eZ8 CPU. If interrupts are globally disabled (polled interrupts), the eZ8 CPU can read the Interrupt Request 2 Register (IRQ2) to determine if any interrupt requests are pending.

We'll be working with ports PA6 (SW2) and PA7 (SW7) of the IRQ2 Register.


Interrupt Registers:


          IRQ0                       IRQ1                      IRQ2                       IRQ3          IRQxENH & IRQxENL        IRQES                   IRQSS0                  IRQSS1

       Register                 Register                Register                  Register               Registers                 Register                 Register                Register


Note the IRQxEN High and IRQxEN Low Register bits map to each of the IRQx Registers but have been abbreviated to just IRQ0ENH & IRQ0ENL.


NEXT: Switches 01b