
EEPROM Programming

"Burn a ROM" Resources

How do I "burn" a program into the EEPROM?

I purchased a MiniPro Programmer from XGecu, model TL866II Plus via an eBay vendor. This is a very popular EEPROM Programmer that does EEPROMs and so much more. Their website is http://www.xgecu.com/TL866_MAIN.html.


One of many retailers for the MiniPro is Banggood.com. At some point you're going to need an adaptor for the programmer because the DIL40 ZIP socket won't do everything, so you might want to look around for sales on both programmer and adapters set; eBay seems to have quite a few. Go with the vendors that have been around for a while and who have sold quite a few, otherwise...


Once you have your burner, check out the video in the adjacent panel on programming an EEPROM with it. Then burn the Block_Fill_3.obj file into the EEPROM.

Alternatively if you've progressed enough with your build to include CPU, ROM, RAM and UART, try burning the ROM Monitor program, ROM-Monitor_Don.obj

    Video: Programming EEPROM


Clicking the thumbnail gif above will provide

an HD video (4.1MB, .mp4 format)
