

Z80 ROM Monitor
Pix Details Screenshots

ROM Monitor Commands


Monitor Assembly Program

This is a chronologically ordered list of updates to the monitor program:

v1.1 2018-07-23

v1.2 2018-12-12




ROM Monitor Info:

Peter Murray of 39k.ca and I have greatly expanded Matthew Cook's 3-instruction Z80 ROM monitor program to include many (11) useful commands that can be seen in either of the adjacent panels.


If you have followed the build sequentially so far, then you know you simply need to burn the ROM-Monitor_DON.obj file into an EEPROM and install it in your breadboard.


If you wish to make changes to any of the .asm files, you can reassemble them into the hex .obj file with Assemble_ROM-Monitor_DON.BAT that is part of the .zip file.


If you wish to restart the monitor to see the opening credits as shown right-adjacent, use the G command and choose location 0000.


The ROM Monitor's X or binary transfer command is handy to copy a program you've written, into a particular RAM location. It will also copy the file into a ROM location if you've replaced your address 0x0000 EEPROM with an NVRAM module.


Explanation and examples of each ROM Monitor command is handled in the Tests section.


ROM Monitor v1.2 Screenshot from Tera Term VT Terminal Emulator
