Programming Languages


Cost C: Topics & URLs Cost Arduino C: Topics & URLs

Web: Intro to C for Embedded Applications

$43 Book: Make: AVR Programming  or .pdf  

Web: C Language Online Training Course


Doc: Install C Software Toolchain for AVR Chips (ATmega328P)


Web: C Tutorial


Doc: My Arduino Lab (based on Make: AVR Programming book)


Web: Learn C by Example

0 Doc: Register Bit Manipulation in C
0 Web Simulator: Online C Compiler & Debugger 0 Doc: Embedded C Book by
0 Web: C Programming Tutorial 0

Doc: Get Going with AVR  by

0 C Programming Operators Web Link  Web Link   0 Doc: C  Shortcuts
0 Web: More C Operators Web Link Web Link $16

Course: The Complete Beginner's Guide to the Arduino - 2020

0 Web: Preprocessor Directives $54

Book: Beginning Arduino 2nd Edition 2013  and source code

    $57 Book: Beginning C for Arduino, 2nd Edition
    0 Setting up Microchip's MPLAB X I.D.E.
    0 Bare Metal Programming in C for Microchip Devices
    $37 The AVR Micrcontroller and Embedded Systems using Assembly and C
Cost C++: Topics & URLs Cost CircuitPython: Topics & URLs
0 Web: C++ Keywords 0 Web: Microcontroller CircuitPython .UF2 Files
0 IDE: Code::Blocks  C/C++ 0 Download: Reset Your CircuitPython Board with flash-nuke.uf2
0 Video: C++  Tutorial for Beginners 0 Web: Libraries
0 Web: C++ Programming Concepts 0 Web: Adafruit-sponsored Libraries & Drivers on Github
0  Web Simulator: C++ Shell $20/mo. Course: Learn Hardware Programming with CircuitPython

Web Simulator: Multi-language

0 Web: Code CircuitPython With Mu
0 Web: Algorithms Library 0 Web: Install Mu Editor for CircuitPython
0 Web: C++ Language Tutorial 0 Cheat Sheet: Mu Editor
0   0 Training Videos: Using Mu Editor)
Cost Python: Topics & URLs 0 Training Video: LED Animations
0 Web: Python books on Github 0 Web: RGB Colour Codes Chart
0 Web: Microsoft's Learn how to write basic Python code 0 Web: CP Resources
0 Videos: Microsoft MSDN's Python for Beginners 0 Web: CircuitPython Core Language Modules
0  Videos:'s Python for Beginners 0 Web: CircuitPython Github Searches
    0 Web: HID Library for CircuitPython
Cost FreeRTOS 0 Web: CircuitPython versus MicroPython
0 Doc: Configuring a FreeRTOS Sketch for Arduino C/C++ 0 Web: Getting Started with RPi Pico & CircuitPython
0 Web: Arduino FreeRTOS Tutorial 0 Doc: Handy REPL Commands and Programs
0 Video Series: Learning FreeRTOS on Arduino    
0 Web: FreeRTOS    
0 Download: Percepio RTOS Trace Analyzer    


Updated 2023-04-19 @ 8am