serial communication
circuit will use the
TI pc16550D
UART and the
RS232 Driver/Receiver.
We'll also provide 6-pin female connectors so a
USB/FTDI serial
adaptor can be
used as well as a
serial-over-Bluetooth adaptor. Only
one or the other should be used at any one time.
In our tests we won't connect the MAX232A
and D-sub 9 connector, just the USB/FTDI circuit.
Tiny History on 8-bit
UARTs and the Z80
First the 8250, then the
16540, then the 16550. That's enough
74138 Addressing
The addressing we setup
for the 8255 PPI did not support the easy addition of other devices.
To do so means having sequential address lines for the 74138's A-B-C
lines. We changed the address organization of the 74138 so multiples of 0x08 will now be
used. (A0=1, A1=2, A2=4, A3=8, A4=$10, etc.) With 256 I/O
addresses available, using a multiple of 8 addresses for each device means we
can now address 32 devices, each having up to 8 individual
Examine the upper schematic,
74138 Addressing Scheme.
PPI_CS address is
UART_CS address is
Third device
address is $10
Fourth device
address is $18
- Etc.
16550 UART
There are 12 registers in
the UART as shown left in 2 charts (16550
UART Register Selection,
UART Register to Port Conversion Table). Both charts indicate
the port value to be added to your base IO address for the device.
Example: we used $00 as the base address for the 8255 PPI. We'll use
$08 as the base address for the UART (UARTbase EQU $08). If we wish to send an OUT command to
the Line Control Register (LCR), we'll need to send it to the base
address plus 3: $08 + $03 = $0B. Our code uses EQU statements to
equate a label with the register so we don't have to remember the
numeric address. We could equate address $0B to "LCR" or "UART_LCR"
or "UART_R3" or whatever.
NOTE: The 16550D UART
Schematic has the oscillator pins mislabeled: GND should be 4 and
VCC should be 8.
Size Matters
Well, it does when it
comes to PCBs. The smaller the footprint of devices like the UART,
the better. The DIP package uses 2 rows of 20 lines. The
PLCC chip socket or carrier uses 4
x 11 pinout so it takes up a lot less space on your PCB. It's not
suited for breadboards unless you use a
PLCC44-DIP40 adaptor. Be advised
that you can buy a package of 8 adaptors on
eBay for a little more than you
would pay for one adaptor. Maybe they're not the same quality but
will depend on how often you'll use it.
Connecting the UART to
a Driver/Receiver Device
The UART output will be
TTL-level TxD (transmit data) and its input will be TTL-level RxD
(receive data). To be RS232 compatible, we'll attach a level
converter device to take the 0v (low) and 5v (high) TTL levels to
become RS232 Standard signal voltages of +3v to +25v (low) level and -3v to -25v (high) level. (Check
out this
link for additional information on
the RS232 standard.)
Originally, getting the
TTL signals to RS232 level was a two chip function using
both a 1488 driver and 1489 receiver as well as separate +12v and
-12v power supply lines. Today we can minimize the chip, component,
and power supply line counts by using a single voltage supply
with the
MAX232A that supports 0.1uF
decoupling-type caps. The
adjacent bottom diagram,
MAX232A Transceiver Pinout, shows
the connections and cap selection.
Configuring the UART
Initial configuration of
the UART is to specify the baud rate (its communication speed),
followed by the data formatting. We'll stick with the very common
format of 8N1 or 8-bits data, No parity, and 1 Stop bit.
Using a
1.8432MHz crystal oscillator,
we can divide the signal down to various baud rates. For a speed of
1200bps, the Divisor is 96 (1,843,200 /16 /96 = 1200). We need to place that value (hex 0x60)
in the Least Significant Byte of the Divisor Latch, the DLL.
According to the
Divisor Latch Registers table, 0x00 should be placed in the Most Significant Byte
of the Divisor Latch, DLM, for the baud rate, 1200bps. So the 16-bit
value should be 0x0060 spread between two 8-bit registers, DLM and
In the LCR,
Line Control Register, bit 7 has a
special name and purpose. It is called the DLAB bit or Divisor Latch
Access Bit. Initially during configuration, it is set to a 1 so that
the DLL and DLM (both mentioned above) can be used to set the baud rate.
Once the baud rate config is completed, the DLAB is set to a 0 so
the Tx and Rx buffers can be used to move an internal byte to
external bits, or the reverse action of assembling external bits to
an internal byte.
UART Registers
If we configure the UART
to have a base address of 0x08, here is the configuration we'll need
that is taken from the assembly file
UARTbase EQU 08h ;
UART_R0 EQU UARTbase + 0 ; Address 08h. (DL-LSB when
DLAB bit 7 = 1.) Otherwise, Receiver Buffer Register RBR (read),
Transmitter Holding Register THR (write).
UART_R1 EQU UARTbase + 1 ; Address 09h. (DL-MSB when
DLAB bit 7 = 1.) Otherwise, Interrupt Enable Register IER
UART_R2 EQU UARTbase + 2 ; Address 0Ah. Interrupt
Identification Register (read only). FIFO Control Register FCR
UART_R3 EQU UARTbase + 3 ; Address 0Bh. Line Control
Register (LCR).
UART_R4 EQU UARTbase + 4 ; Address 0Ch. Modem Control
Register (MCR).
UART_R5 EQU UARTbase + 5 ; Address 0Dh. Line Status
Register (LSR).
UART_R6 EQU UARTbase + 6 ; Address 0Eh. Modem Status
Register (MSR).
UART_R7 EQU UARTbase + 7 ; Address 0Fh. Scratch
UART Initialization Steps
1) Set DLAB to 1.
2) Set DLL and DLM
to 1200bps using a divisor of $0060.
3) Set byte framing to
8N1, reset DLAB to 0.
4) Check LCR bit 0 to see
if receiver Data Ready Indicator is set to a 1 when a complete
incoming character is received from the bitstream and
transferred to the RBR (Receive Buffer Register). This is a READ
operation from what was formerly the DLL but is now the receiving
5) Get the incoming
character from the UART.
6) Check LCR bit 5 to see
if the THRE (Transmitter Holding Register Empty) indicator is set to a 1
indicating the UART is ready to send the byte as a bit stream.
This is a WRITE operation from what was the DLM but is now the
sending buffer.
7) Send the outgoing
character to the UART.
As you can see starting
in lines 41 to 82 of the assembled file,
there are only 3 code
blocks in order to perform a terminal echo test:
- Initialize the
- Get a character
from the UART
- Send a character
to the UART
RS232 Tests to test your circuit. It contains useful
info and a video demo.
Z80 Assembly Language
Z80 Programming V
to learn how the Assembly code works for this
Z80 Programming VI
to learn how the Assembly code works for this