SIO/2 Interrupt Priority
The SIO/2 has two UART channels with Channel A
having a higher priority than Channel B.
The main sources of Z80 SIO/2 interrupts are
prioritized as:
- Receive Interrupt: an interrupt can be
generated if a character is received into the receive buffer.
Reading the channel data register will empty the buffer and remove
the source of the interrupt. Issuing RETI will reset the hardware
interrupt request
- Transmit Interrupt: an interrupt can
be generated if a character was transmitted and now the transmit
buffer is empty. Issuing the value 28h, Reset Tx Interrupt Pending,
will clear the interrupt and allow the next Tx character to be
sent to the SIO
- External/Status Interrupt: an
interrupt can be generated if there are signal transitions of the
Clear To Send (CTS), Data Carrier Detect (DCD), and (SYNC) pins
Adding More Interrupts
When programmed to do so (Channel B/register
WR1/bit D2), the SIO can modify 3
bits of the interrupt vector in the status register (RR2) so that it
points directly to one of 8 interrupt service routines (ISRs) in
memory, thereby servicing conditions in both channels.
Interactive versus Block Transfer
"Interrupt on First Received Character" is typically used with
block-transfer mode. We'll use "Interrupt On All Received
Characters" mode instead for typical interactive use.
Z80 Interrupt Modes and the IVT
Z80 Interrupt Mode 2 (IM2) uses any 16-bit address
for the Interrupt Vector Table (IVT)
unlike the other three (0, 1, NMI) 8-bit interrupt modes which are
confined to the first 0100h bytes of memory.
The Interrupt Register (IR) holds the high byte
and the peripheral device (SIO/2) interrupting the CPU holds the low
byte of the 2-byte address.
This address is the start of the
Interrupt Vector Table. The IVT contains the "jump to
addresses" of the Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs).
If all 8 ISR addresses have been sequentially placed in the
table, the first 2-byte address points to the first of the eight ISRs.
The second 2-byte address points to the second ISR, etc. The eight ISRs can be placed anywhere in memory thanks to
their 2-byte pointers in the IVT.
Internal Structure
Each channel contains its own set of control
and status (write and read) registers, and control and status logic
that provides the interface to modems or other external devices. The
registers for each channel are designated as follows:
- WRO to WR7: Write Registers 0 through 7
(WR2 is found in Channel B only.)
- RRO to RR2: Read Registers 0 through 2
(RR2 is found in Channel B only.)
Channel B contains Write Register 2 (WR2) that holds the lower byte
of the start of the Interrupt Vector Table (IVT); the Interrupt Register (IR)
contains the upper byte.
Channel B contains Read Register 2 (RR2) that
is used to show all 8 interrupts if enabled via ChB/WR1/Bit2.
Register Functions
The system program first issues a series of
commands that initialize the basic mode of operation and then issues
other commands that qualify conditions within the selected mode.
- Async transfer mode
- Character format (8N1)
- Interrupt mode if any
- Rx and Tx enable |