On the previous pages we setup:
- environment constants
Interrupt Vector Table config
- UART Write registers
Now we'll
add the assembly code for the interrupt service routines (ISRs).
The first 6 ISRs starting with E0IntChB_TxBufMT
are just placeholders until we complete them.
The 7th ISR is labeled ECIntCha_RxCh. It's the
same one we used in the polling section. It functions by:
- save register A and flags
- read in character from channel A data
- save a copy in RxChBuf
- output the character to the SIO to send
on its TxDA line
- reset the TX interrupt pending
- re-enable interrupts that were disabled
automatically when this interrupt was serviced
- return from interrupt
Further down is another ISR that handles the
Special Receive Conditions interrupt for Framing Error, Rx Buffer
Overrun, etc. |